
Creating an account, using our built in scoreboard, and participating in leagues will ALWAYS be free with 4BAGR! Other than that, we like to keep things simple. Check out our current price tiers below:

Free Tier

4BAGR is always free to use and participate in leagues!

  • Join and play in unlimited leagues
  • Use our Built in Scoreboard
  • Follow unlimited leagues
  • Create and manage leagues

Single League

One Time Purchase

Great for organizers that only run 1 or 2 leagues concurrently. You have the ability to purchase and run as many single leagues at one time as you'd like.

  • Join and play in unlimited leagues
  • Use our Built in Scoreboard
  • Follow unlimited leagues
  • Create and manage leagues
  • No Size restriction on teams, players, courts, etc.

Unlimited Leagues

Monthly Subscription

If you manage several leagues at a time, this is the best bang for your buck. Run an unlimited amount of leagues with no restrictions!

  • Join and play in unlimited leagues
  • Use our Built in Scoreboard
  • Follow unlimited leagues
  • Create and manage unlimited leagues
  • No Size restriction on teams, players, courts, etc.

How to Purchase

To purchase a league, simply open the 4BAGR mobile app, navigate to the menu, and select 'Create League'. Here you will find the pricing options and be able to pay and have access to the league creation form instantly. All payments are handled and processed by the Google Play Store for Android devices or the App Store for iOS devices.

Cancellations and Refunds

If you have any issues at all with your purchase or need to cancel your subscription, please first reach out to for immediate help. 4BAGR does not have total control over refunds or cancellations, as the app stores generally like to handle this, but we can help as much as possible.

To directly cancel a subscription from either store, follow the respective links below: